8 Skills Required for Remote Jobs in 2023
The world of work is changing rapidly, and the skills required for remote jobs are evolving as well. In order to stay ahead of the curve, it...

Congrats - Ufone port in Successful!
I am very happy today because my Cell number is now ported to Ufone. I contacted to Ufone S & S C and they did not response again but whaen a female representative saw me very hopeless, she asked me about the matter because I was still standing along counter. Then I told her the whole Story of My application fo port in to Ufone. She checked the status and said to have a seat and wait for a while. I followed and after 15 min aprox. she called me again and said that your request will be proceeded in the following two days. Then I asked about the problem then she replied that the system was not showing the resend option for your request and now I have requested to administraors of the system and it will be solve in the following 2 days. And now it has been solved. Thanks to that Female Representative.
Clarity of offer & experience worth remembering – building on the two core ingredients of customer satisfaction; Zong has come up wi...
Twitter recently introduced Twitter Follow Button in competition to Facebook ’s Like Box widget for all website owners. This button will...