8 Skills Required for Remote Jobs in 2023

The world of work is changing rapidly, and the skills required for remote jobs are evolving as well. In order to stay ahead of the curve, it...

ZONG introduced internet USB card

ZONG Internet USB card.

The ZoNG has introduced ZONG internet USB card.
Price: Rs.9999. Monthly Charges: Rs.400+tax
Available in Cities:
  1. Faisalabad
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Gujranwala
  4. Karachi
  5. Lahore
  6. Multan
  7. Peshawar
  8. Islamabad
  9. Rawalpindi.

LINK: http://zong.com.pk/zong_internet_usb_card.html (link is broken)
 زونگ! سب کہ دو
Update@ March 2011: Price down to Rs.8000/- and LINK: http://www.zong.com.pk/vas_business_solutions_gprs_usb_card.html