8 Skills Required for Remote Jobs in 2023
The world of work is changing rapidly, and the skills required for remote jobs are evolving as well. In order to stay ahead of the curve, it...

Exams of Class 8 administered by Punjab Govt.
Students of class 8 are busy in their exams and likewise my younger brother is also busy in exams. Today, I asked for the paper and he said that there is an honest examiner, he doesn't allow us to copy. Whenever he goes out the Examination Hall, other local examiners gave us the answers of difficult question. "I shall not prepare my next paper because they help us in solving the papers" he added. This is the standard of our Examination System, and we want to change our Pakistan. How is it possible. I don't know what is the "next"(future) of that students.
Clarity of offer & experience worth remembering – building on the two core ingredients of customer satisfaction; Zong has come up wi...
The world of work is changing rapidly, and the skills required for remote jobs are evolving as well. In order to stay ahead of the curve, it...