What is IMO?
Ans: imo.im is a web-based service that allows users to hold text, voice, and video chats on multiple instant messaging protocols. Currently supported protocols include AIM, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, MySpace, Skype, and Yahoo Messenger. The service is free and requires no user-registration or sign-up.Today is IMO's four birthday! So,
Happy Birthday IMO!
I like you very much & I use IMO daily on my Chrome in office hours and keep myself online on every platform. IMO is very easy, awesome, smart... I love IMO.
my ID(s):
- Skype: urhabib
- MSN: habib [at] live.com.pk
- Y!: habibullahaajiz
- Gtalk: habib.manjotha
- Facebook: habib.manjotha, urhabib